Indiana Chapter of Palatines to America
State of Indiana

Key Essentials of German Genealogy

Key Essentials of German Genealogy: From Basics to Success is a PDF syllabus of about 100 pages that has the text of all PowerPoint slides from 5 presentations given by Kent Robinson, past national president of Palatines to America:
  • Determining the Village of Origin: A Major and Necessary Step
  • History and Geography
  • Dies und Das (This and That): A Variety of Useful Information
  • Resources: Books and Websites
  • Using Records in the Homeland
The syllabus includes a 20 page bibliography divided by category with hotlinks to many websites and a chart showing research strategies depending on whether or not you know the name of the ancestral village.
You may purchase a copy of Key Essentials of German Genealogy: From Basics to Success online at 
OR by sending a check for $30 payable to Indiana Chapter, Pal-Am to Kent Robinson, 6610 Latona Dr., Indianapolis, IN  46278. 
Following payment the PDF file will be sent to you via Email.